Peru, South America

Laguna 69: My Harsh Introduction to Trekking at Altitude

September 8, 2014

We originally strolled into the offices of Quechuandes to enquire about the infamous 4-day Santa Cruz trek.  Having completed our ‘acclimatisation’ trek with Huascarán, and not really suffered any ill-effects (apart from a little breathlessness towards the top), we felt confident that we weren’t susceptible to altitude sickness, and therefore capable of enduring a few days of knee-pounding ascents and descents through the stunning Cordillera mountain peaks.

Unfortunately ‘capable’ and ‘willing’ were at two opposite ends of the spectrum as far as Stu was concerned.  He’s always been a very capable hiker (despite being a smoker and indulging in a beer or two a little more often than he probably should), has boundless energy and a level of fitness that would put a younger non-smoker to shame.  However he recently admitted to me that he doesn’t ‘like’ hiking.

This left me in a bit of a predicament.  I desperately wanted to do the Santa Cruz trek (the Cordilleras are meant to be one of the most spectacular mountain ranges in the Americas), I desperately wanted him there to share the experience with me, and because of that I desperately tried to convince him that actually he’d enjoy it once he was there.  With scenery like this, who wouldn’t?

Laguna 69

He wasn’t convinced.

However, in an attempt to keep the peace between us, he rather reluctantly accompanied me into the Quechuandes office.

Luckily for him (and also for me, as I would shortly discover), the lady who runs the outfit would not allow us to sign up for the trek without completing a second acclimatisation hike, at over 4000 metres above sea level.  As we’d come straight to Huaraz from sea level just a couple of days beforehand, she was not confident that we’d had sufficient time to become accustomed to the altitude (apparently the symptoms of altitude sickness can lie dormant for up to 72 hours).

More specifically, she advised us that often symptoms will not become apparent below 4000 metres, so a further day hike was necessary to ensure that we’d be capable of completing the 4-day Santa Cruz trek safely.  She actually slated Huascarán for being prepared to put us forward for it (and the trek Huascarán were offering was 5 days instead of the usual 4), which I thought was rather unprofessional, but I could see her point.

We had the option of Laguna Churup or Laguna 69.  I’d seen photographs of Laguna 69, and I had to find out whether the lake – which is described by Lonely Planet as “the jewel of the Cordilleras” – really is that colour.

So, Laguna 69 it was.

We were given a simple map, which pointed out where the bus would drop us off, the starting point of the trek, and a few interesting sights along the way.  There would be a guide but because the tracks were clearly marked, we could go at our own pace – as long as we were back at the bus for 4pm.  We were also instructed to bring a packed lunch, plenty of water, and some high energy snacks to eat along the way.  No mention of coca leaves, which – knowing now how effective they can be for high altitude treks – seemed rather strange.

We were picked up from our hostel at around 5:50am (we’d been told 6am, so it’s a good job we were ready and waiting in reception when the driver knocked on the front door; all the hostel staff were still in bed), and after collecting several more willing victims, we set off on our merry way.

We stopped at 3 points on route to the base of the trek: the small town of Yungay for a very basic breakfast of pan con queso and mate de coca, a viewpoint from which we could marvel at the spectacular Mount Huascaran, 6768 metres above sea level, and Lagunas Llanganuco, two stunning lakes with beautiful, almost unreal aqua-marine coloured waters.

Laguna 69

15 minutes and several photos later, we reached Cebollapampa – 3900 metres above sea level and the starting point for our 9 kilometre trek.

9 kilometres didn’t sound too bad, and having a whole 3 hours to complete that 9 kilometre climb sounded even better.  Physically I was in good shape (ok so my 2-3 2-hour sessions in the gym every week weren’t happening whilst I was on the road, but I was eating healthily and walking lots), and I’d completed the first acclimatisation hike up to 3800 metres without any trouble at all, so I felt confident that I’d manage this one with relative ease.

The difference was that this trek started 100 metres higher than the previous day’s ended, further above sea level that I’d ever been before.

Laguna 69


The hike began with a gentle walk up the Cebollapampa valley.  The ground was lush and green, and the skies were blue.  We traversed streams, their waters glistening in the bright sun overhead.  We encountered the odd grazing cow who would pause to stare at us curiously while we crossed its path.  We noticed the ruins of tiny stone roundhouses, overgrown with vegetation, and we passed colourful, interestingly-textured flora, including this paper bark tree, with bark so fine and delicate it felt almost like gold leaf in my hands.

Laguna 69 flora

Laguna 69

Everywhere we looked was a stunning snow-covered mountain peak or an imposing waterfall, and the land was covered in these wonderful purple flowers in every direction.  Considering the altitude, the plants and flowers were blooming up here.

Laguna 69

Purple Flowers

Pretty shortly though our nice leisurely little track started to climb more sharply, and soil turned into rocks as we fought our way through some rather dense mountain vegetation.

It wasn’t the breathlessness I noticed first of all.  It was that my pace had slowed without me realising it.  Stu and I normally keep a similar pace on hikes, and I’d noticed that he seemed to be gaining a lot of distance in front.  He stopped and waited on multiple occasions, annoyed that I was causing us to fall back from our usual position towards the front of the group.

I couldn’t understand what was wrong, I felt as if I was walking normally, but I just didn’t seem to be covering much ground.  Looking back now, that was clearly an early indicator that my legs were becoming starved of oxygen.

Laguna 69

Laguna 69

Now I’m not normally one for drinking lots of water, but having read how important it is to consume it in plentiful amounts at altitude, I grabbed my bottle and took several large gulps of the stuff, convinced that would solve the problem.  However, the mere act of removing the bottle from the mesh side pocket of my backpack every few minutes was delaying me even further, so I promptly gave up on that idea and concentrated solely on attempting to keep up with Stu.

Not long afterwards the breathlessness started.  I was having to stop and catch my breath with alarming regularity, something I would never normally have to do.

I looked back at the path I’d just walked upon, considering that maybe this was one of those deceptively steep ascents, and that actually I’d climbed a lot higher than I’d imagined.  Negative.  The track was easily one I would usually be capable of running up, had I felt crazy enough to want to do so.  Yet right now, I was struggling to walk it, stopping every 20 paces to catch my breath.

My legs felt heavy and my breath felt short, but it wasn’t these factors alone that were praying on my mind.  I was fully aware that the altitude was the direct cause of these symptoms.  What I just couldn’t wrap my head around was the fact that, all of a sudden, I was unable to do the things that I’ve always done.  For that short space of time it felt like I was battling a debilitating illness, and I had no idea how I was going to make it to the lake in the allocated 3-hour time frame.

This fella didn't make it

Many of the group were already well ahead of us, and as we crossed the scrubland before the killer switchback began, even the guide had caught up with us and was asking how we were.  As lovely as he was, this was never a good sign: for safety reasons the guide must always remain at the back of his group, monitoring the health and well-being of those who may be struggling to keep up.

The only positive that we could draw from this fact (although sadly not for those in question) was the news that a couple of people on the trek had already been forced to turn back  as a result of altitude sickness.  We’d made it this far – Stu with seemingly no ill-effects whatsoever, and me with oxygen-starved limbs and breathlessness.  It could have been a lot, lot worse.

Laguna 69

Our guide’s advice for the steep switchback that followed was to keep a steady pace, no matter how slow that was, and to keep going.  If we had to rest we should do it for as little time as possible, as the longer we rested for, the harder we would find it to keep going again.

Whilst I accept that was good advice, there’s absolutely no way in hell that I could have completed the final leg of the Laguna 69 trek, had I not taken frequent, short breaks in an attempt to recover the oxygen levels in my blood.  By this stage the lack of oxygen was taking its toll on Stu as well, and he developed a mild headache and began to feel light-headed.

Between Stu, myself, and another English girl called Vicky who was also struggling with the altitude, we took it in turns to pass each other and to rest.  I tested the comfort of so many rocks on that path I lost count.  My motivation would be the next large flat-topped rock I could see up ahead, because that would be where I’d tell myself I’d have to walk to before I would allow myself to rest.

Laguna 69

Laguna 69

As we neared the top, the mere act of walking became an uphill struggle – I could barely lift my legs off the ground.  When people talk of their legs feeling like lead, I wonder how many of them have tried trekking at very high altitude and actually learned the true meaning of this phrase.  It’s a surreal sensation, and not one I ever want to experience again.

However in spite of the breathlessness, the oxygen-starved limbs, the inability to keep up with the remainder of the group, and the constant need to rest, the challenges that I’d battled with throughout approximately 80% of the hike paled into insignificance when I finally caught my first glimpse of the lake.

Laguna 69

The water really was that colour.

We sat down by the side of the lake, nibbled on our cheese sandwiches, took some obligatory photographs, swapped travel tales and altitude sickness notes with other group members, and then watched in a combination of awe and amusement as some of the other members of the group decided to strip down into their bikinis (or in the case of the boys, disrobe completely) and jump into the lake.

Ok so swimming in a lake can normally be quite a pleasurable experience, but this lake is fed by a glacier.  It must have been literally freezing!  Even Stu – who is normally game for crazy activities such as this – shook his head in disbelief as their naked bodies met the ice cold water and a cacophony of screams ensued.

Laguna 69

We walked the route back down with Vicky (whom we’d met on the route up) and Nikki, a girl who’s currently volunteering at a school for underprivileged children just outside Huaraz.  Nikki also suffered with the altitude, so much so that she was given medication (in the form of an altitude sickness pill) by our guide to enable her to continue.  She’d been living and working at over 3000 metres above sea level for the past few weeks and even that had not prepared her for today’s hike.

Laguna 69

I learnt several things from the Laguna 69 trek:

  1. The lady at Quechuandes was right: trekking below 4000 metres does in no way prepare you for trekking at altitudes higher than 4000 metres.
  2. Living and working at over 3000 metres above sea level does not necessarily mean that you are acclimatised to the altitude enough to successfully complete a trek without any ill-effects.
  3. Being fit and healthy, drinking lots of water, and avoiding alcohol and cigarettes may help, but it certainly doesn’t make you immune to the affects of altitude.  I can personally vouch for this fact.
  4. High altitude affects us all in different ways, and some effects are not immediately obvious.

The last point became particularly apparent that same evening.  Whilst I’d suffered with breathlessness and oxygen-starved limbs during the trek, I did not get a headache or feel particularly light-headed (possibly a tiny bit on the final stretch, but then I was pushing myself more than I probably should have been, because I knew the finish line wasn’t very far ahead), whereas Stu’s symptoms were the exact opposite – he got the headache and dizziness that I didn’t.

Moreover, where Stu hadn’t really suffered until the final leg of the trek (part the way up the switchback), my symptoms became apparent almost as soon as I’d crossed the 4000 metre mark.  Yet, I was – apart from a little tiredness – feeling fine when we arrived back to Huaraz in the evening, but Stu lost his appetite, began to feel nauseous, and developed a fever – symptoms which, although greatly improved, continued through until the following day.

Suffice to say, we decided against signing up for the 4-day Santa Cruz trek.  Laguna 69 had already proved enough of a struggle for us!

Laguna 69

Incidentally though, having completed the Laguna 69 trek I’ve not suffered with symptoms of altitude since.  I’ve completed the short trek up to Pastoruri Glacier, the base of which is 5050 metres above sea level, I’ve hiked the Inca Trail, and was one of the first members of our group to make it up to the top of Dead Woman’s Pass (4200 metres above sea level), I’ve explored the islands of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable body of water in the world, I’ve power-walked around La Paz, and I’ve run around the streets of Potosí (if you’ve read my Facebook page lately, you’ll know why!)

The human body is a wonderful machine, and it will adapt, given time – and plenty of coca leaves 😉

Mate de Coca, Cafe Andino, Huaraz

If you’d like to read up on Huaraz and the hikes available in the area (including Laguna 69), try the following links to a couple of good (in my opinion) guidebooks on Amazon:

Lonely Planet Peru 

Trekking in Peru: 50 Best Walks and Hikes

Have you ever hiked at altitude before?  How did you cope?  Any hints and tips to share or stories to tell?


If you like this article, please share it on social media using the share buttons at the top of the post.  Alternatively you can follow along on FacebookTwitter, or Google+ or you can look me up on Instagram or Pinterest too!

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links.  All this means is that if you make a booking through one of the links I have provided, I will earn a small commission as a result but the cost to you will remain exactly the same**

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  • Reply christina October 12, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    wow that water is GORGEOUS! I’ve never hiked up that high before but good to know the tip about keeping pace no matter how slow. applicable to most things in life I suppose. 🙂

    what a tale to tell!


    • Reply Kiara Gallop October 12, 2014 at 3:09 PM

      Yes that’s very true 🙂 It was a huge struggle but I’m so glad I did it in retrospect, and I’ve never seen water quite that colour before!

  • Reply Laia | colibrist January 18, 2015 at 5:08 AM

    Oh, I can see why some travel insurance companies do not cover treks over 4000 meters. I’ve never been that high and I did not know it could be so different from lower altitudes.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop January 18, 2015 at 10:01 AM

      I got my travel insurance with World Nomads and I couldn’t believe how much more they wanted to charge to cover against trekking at altitude! Luckily I didn’t get ill but there were some who weren’t so fortunate. Although you do become accustomed to the altitude (which is why I didn’t really struggle when I did the Inca Trail a few weeks later), it is tough to begin with. The weird thing was that it didn’t really affect me under 4000 metres, which meant that I (wrongly) assumed I’d be ok at altitudes higher than that. I’m kind of gutted I didn’t do the Santa Cruz trek, but it would have been too risky a decision to take after the struggles we endured on Laguna 69.

  • Reply Emma January 19, 2015 at 7:19 PM

    What an amazing adventure, well worth the struggle for that scenery! That water is amazing! 🙂

    • Reply Kiara Gallop January 20, 2015 at 10:06 PM

      It is, isn’t it? 🙂 And yes it was definitely worth it, but because of the altitude it was certainly up there as one of the toughest treks I’ve ever done!

  • Reply SJ January 21, 2015 at 5:32 PM

    I have never been to such heights – and for that I am additional proud of you. What an achievement!!!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop January 21, 2015 at 6:21 PM

      Aww, thanks 🙂 Neither had I before my trip to Peru!

  • Reply Cori July 7, 2015 at 3:32 PM

    Hi Kiara,

    I am traveling in Huaraz right now and was wondering if you’d recommend the Lagunitas 69 trek for women who are traveling solo. It looks incredible! I just wanted to ask someone who has done it before. Thanks! 🙂

    • Reply Kiara Gallop July 9, 2015 at 9:27 PM

      Hi Cori 🙂 Yes, I definitely recommend it for women travelling solo – the track is really easy to follow and there will likely be quite a few others hiking it at the same time. We booked a tour to take us to the starting point (that way you get a guide on hand in case you suffer with altitude sickness to any degree; he had all sorts of anti-altitude sickness medications with him!) so I’m not sure whether it’s possible to get to the starting point of the trek independently I’m afraid, but the tour was pretty reasonably priced. So yeah, go for it!

  • Reply Ana Bravo October 19, 2015 at 1:01 AM

    I did the trekking to Laguna 69 with my 12 years old son two days ago, the path is really hard but the view really worth all the pain, headache, and altitude sickness, I don’t do any kind of excercise but still I reached Laguna 69.

    • Reply Kiara Gallop October 19, 2015 at 1:36 PM

      Good on you! (both of you!) and yes I totally agree that it’s well worth the pain for those amazing views 🙂

  • Reply Andrew Schultz April 19, 2016 at 2:04 PM

    I went skinny dipping in Laguna 69, it was freezing and there was shrinkage 🙂

    • Reply Kiara Gallop April 19, 2016 at 2:08 PM

      I bet there was! I was quite content with dipping a toe in there 😉

  • Reply Jurga - Full Suitcase September 17, 2016 at 7:39 PM

    What a story! I’m glad it all ended well for you. We visited Rocky Mountains this summer and made just a short hike of like half an hour above 4000m and it was really hard on all of us. I think we really underestimate acclimatisation and the time that’s actually needed for that. After all, we only have so many vacation days and want to get the most of it. 🙂

    • Reply Kiara Gallop September 17, 2016 at 8:49 PM

      I totally agree! and I think the Quechuandes travel agency were right to turn down our request for a place on the 4-day Santa Cruz trek right after we’d arrived in Huaraz. You never quite know just when and how and to what sort of level it’s going to affect you. I was lucky that I was traveling through Peru for three months so the rest of the high altitude treks I attempted, I took in my stride. But like you say, when we only have limited vacation days, we don’t have that luxury.

  • Reply Gemma September 18, 2016 at 11:48 AM

    Utterly gutted I missed this place but taking note of your experience. I was fine on the Lares Trek but the last 5 mins to the very top of Condor’s Pass, so rough – felt like I was walking in Space!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop September 18, 2016 at 11:53 AM

      Totally like walking on space! (well, when I could actually walk!) It was such a struggle to keep going as we neared the top but I’m a stubborn bugger and I was NOT going to let the altitude beat me!

  • Reply Mitzi October 12, 2016 at 9:31 PM

    Hi Kiara,
    My husband and I are 64 and 65. Our son recommended the Lake 69 trek for our trip to Peru. We hike in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado above treeline, but I am all about a trail that is not scary with sharp drop offs. I appreciated your story and explanation of high altitude trekking, but wondered about the condition of the trail itself.
    Many Thanks!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop October 13, 2016 at 1:31 PM

      Hi Mitzi,

      From what I remember the condition of the trail was general good, with well-established tracks and no scary drop-offs! The trail was quite narrow (and quite steep!) in places with vegetation growing across the track in front, but generally even terrain. So if you’re used to the altitude I’m pretty sure you won’t struggle 🙂

  • Reply Sarah Chant June 4, 2017 at 6:46 AM

    Amazing! Would you mind sharing the practical info needed for this hike? Who exactly did you book through and how much did it cost please? Thanks so much!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop June 4, 2017 at 1:12 PM

      Hi Sarah 🙂 Sure, we booked with Quechuandes in Huaraz. I don’t think I can post links here in comments but if you copy and paste the following into your address bar it should take you to the page for the Laguna 69 day hike, with details/current prices etc

      • Reply Kiara Gallop June 4, 2017 at 1:14 PM

        Ah, it appears I can post links after all! Result 😀

  • Reply Yannis September 18, 2017 at 3:08 AM

    Sorochi pills are really helpful for altitude sickness, I did a mountain in la Paz (hyuana potosi at 6088m), On my way up I stated having a light dizziness around 5900m and took a pill and was fine after 15 mins!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop September 18, 2017 at 6:57 AM

      Can’t believe you were only affected after 5900 metres, you’re so lucky! But that’s good to know about the pills, thanks 🙂 I imagine that’s probably what our guide gave to one of the other girls on the trek. Are they available over the counter from pharmacies in South America?

  • Reply Byron February 1, 2018 at 5:31 PM

    I get woozy at 3500 meters but my home base is only about 20 meters ASL. I’ve learned though a few days of acclimation is all i need before i hit the trails. So for me, it was about time and adjustment more than any training. Great post!

    • Reply Kiara Gallop February 5, 2018 at 9:59 PM

      I definitely agree! Once I’d been at altitude for a while the hiking wasn’t a problem, just as it normally isn’t for me below around 4000 metres. I guess I expected to see the effects as soon as I climbed above 3000 metres and when I didn’t I wrongly assumed that I wasn’t going to suffer any ill effects. It’s just a matter of learning how your body reacts to and copes with the altitude 🙂

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